750,000 children in Gaza live in darkness because electricity is out for 21 hours a day.
We're asking groups of seven families in Gaza to put a light and a sign with their message outside from 7 to 8pm every Wednesday as a way to call attention to the power crisis in Gaza.
Loss of electricity makes daily tasks impossible. Solar powered Luci lights are a big help. Due to the generosity of so many of our supporters, 23,000 solar lights are cleared to cross the blockade for distribution by Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations this summer.
Rebuilding Alliance partnered with four Palestinian Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to distribute lights directly to families in need. A 2-for-1 matching grant is in place to send a second LittleSun solar light for each one we buy. Help empower Gaza's next generation, help open the blockade, and bring hope to all.
Join Us
Families in the US are gathering their neighbors to shine a light in their window every Wednesday between 7 and 8pm to show your support.
Then, take a picture and post it to social media using #ItsTimeForLight so we know you're with us.
See the Impact
Writers from We Are Not Numbers spent time with the families in Gaza participating in this movement to gain insight on how lack of electricity effects their lives, and how something as seemingly insignificant as a small solar light can have a remarkable impact.. Their stories give us a sense of what it means to live with such limited access to electricity.
It's Time for Light is Underway
Take a look at some highlights from our kickoff evening on April 3rd, 2018.
Follow Us on Instagram
Share you lights images on social media using #ItsTimeForLight and tag us @RebuildingAlliance