MNK needs your help to start delivering meals again!

By Jen Doyle - Communications Coordinator

Mrs. Najah and her amazing team work hard to deliver protein-rich meals for the underserved members of the Gaza community. Sadly, due to a lack of funding, the team has not been making meals since March. This project is an incredibly important one to the members of the Gaza community. Many people in Gaza are unable to afford the high-quality, nutritious ingredients that Mrs. Najah can use in her meals, often leaving them without access to key nutrients.

Recently, Mrs. Najah's staff member spoke with some beneficiaries of the kitchen. One beneficiary, a woman named Fatima, said “We always love to see you bringing these delicious meals to us. Our financial situation doesn't allow us to buy these ingredients for my kids. I can't afford to buy chicken like what you give us. The chefs who make the meals are amazing. I believe they cook these meals with love. I hope that you can continue cooking these lovely meals for us. Thank you and God bless you!” Meals from Mrs. Najah’s Kitchen make a huge difference in the lives of hundreds of beneficiaries like Fatima. 

The project is equally important for Mrs. Najah’s all-women team, many of whom rely entirely on the income from their work at Mrs. Najah’s Kitchen to support themselves and their families.

Alaa, a member of Mrs. Najah’s staff, when asked about the importance of Mrs. Najah’s Kitchen, shared: “Mrs. Najah’s Kitchen is very important to me and my family. My father is dead, and I am the breadwinner of the family. I work hard to feed my family. This project means a lot to me and my other colleagues. We work to feed the needy families and get paid in return through which we can sustain our families. We hope that we can resume the work at the kitchen soon.”

Mrs. Najah’s amazing team, when fully funded, can make and deliver warm, fresh meals to 200 Gaza families on each delivery day! This project impacts the lives of so many families, which is why it is incredibly important to get the team back up and running as soon as possible. 

We're hopeful that our amazing donors will help Mrs. Najah to open the doors of her kitchen once again to the Gaza community.

To support this project, please click here

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